With an ever-increasing demand for constant consumption within the fashion industry, it has become apparent that the fashion retail sector is becoming one of the top environmental polluters. Fashion enthusiasts around the world are steadily consuming less new items and are turning their attention towards the archival and second-hand market.

ANSH46 archive is an extensition of ANSH46 and an important step in the evolution of fashion retail. It will offer customers and consumers the opportunity to sell or consign their vintage and pre-owned designer garments. Making sure they’re not forgotten but loved again by a new owner. ANSH46 archive is a melting pot for sought after, iconic and rare historical designer items.

We believe that design is not bound by the concept of time. You are wearing an idea. An idea that was conceived at a specific moment. An idea that will forever be frozen in time, with the garment as physical proof of that. By extending the lifecycle of a garment, we hope to build and educate a community around forgotten and underappreciated garments.

Find out more about ANSH46 archive and how to become part of our community here.